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Bildergalerie TTIP, CETA und TISA


Dienstag, 19. Februar 2013, 20:00

Fracking - Spekulationsblase?

Hallo an Alle,

zwei frisch eingetroffene Berichte aus den USA, die unser Gefühl, dass wir es auch mit einer Spekulationsblase in unserem Fall zu tun haben, bestätigen. Bitte verbreiten!

You can read a good Desmogblog article on the release of these two reports:…-housing-bubble

And you can find the two reports here:

These documents only focus on the US situation. However, we should precisely use these data to convince our decision-makers and financial institutions that if the idea is to repeat what has been done in the US, then they should say no to shale gas as soon as possible if we don't want our economies to be exposed to the same speculative danger than the one that is currently seriously threatening the US energy sector.

mit den besten Grüßen



Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013, 15:49

Fracking-Blase - Höhere Kosten und weniger Erträge als erhofft